Harmonized Spaces

A great tip in organizing is be sure to allow decorative items, containers, and furniture play a dual role in storage and display.

With the proper organization you can turn a small closet into a large closet space.

The best place to start in any closet is using the same hangers. Then group your clothes by category then color.

Wall storage in the garage is key in preventing a zero car garage.

Be creative with storage options and be sure not to over crowd your work space.

When you have a lot of one thing you can display in a way to make it look like a work of art.

Baskets, drawers, and shelves in your nursery will help keep it tidy and organized and all attention can be focused on the precious cargo.

Adding shelves up the wall increases storage space while opening up floor space.

The key to a tidy playroom is making sure each toy and book has it's own parking spot.
When you organize your physical space it's a 1000 times easier to organize your mental space.